Next Product Recommendation for Underrepresented Languages

Worked on Next Product Recommendation for Underrepresented Languages problem of Amazon KDD Cup ’23 as graduation project with a team of three people.

Examined multiple word-embedding methods on a large product dataset and learned about state-of-the-art session-based recommendation methods.

GitHub Repository


A social media application in order to connect gamers with similar tastes where each user can track his/her own gaming activity.

Java Spring and MongoDB are used in backend. Mobile applicaion is developed with Flutter.

The project is developed with a team of four people for the Software Engineering course.

GitHub Organization

Application Demo

Population Template-Based Brain Graph Augmentation for Improving One-Shot Learning Classification

In this paper, we propose an augmentation pipeline in order to provide improved metrics on our binary classification problem. Divergently from the previous studies, we examine augmentation from a single population template by utilizing graph-based generative adversarial network (gGAN) architecture for a classification problem. We benchmarked our proposed solution on AD/LMCI dataset consisting of brain connectomes with Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and Late Mild Cognitive Impairment (LMCI).

arXiv Preprint

Brain Graph Super Resolution

A machine learning pipeline developed to predict the high-resolution brain graph from low-resolution brain graph input.

The project was ranked 6th in the Kaggle competition of ITU Learning From Data (BLG454E) course.

GitHub Repository


A movie database application with social media-like features developed with IMDb Movies Extensive Dataset for Database Systems course.

GitHub Repository