Temple of Zeus

A puzzle game with tap mechanics, developed by a team of interns (game programmers, illustrators, animator, 3D modeler, products) during summer internship at Dream Games.

The game includes 100 levels, 5 puzzle items, lots of animations and UI components.

I worked on game logic programming, UI programming and animation integration of the game. More importantly, I had the chance to experience these in a multidisciplinary team.

Google Play

Crossing The Liminal

An endless runner game where the player tries to get into the darkness in the walls, developed by a team of five people from different timezones during Aalto Games Now! Game Jam - Autumn 2023.

I have done most of the programming and worked on game mechanics, UI and sound integration. Learned about how to deliver a project within a limited time.

Gameplay Video

Itch.io page